Wednesday, May 18, 2011
Tuesday, May 17, 2011
How did the knighthhood get started?
It all started with a shipment from asia to europe, if you are woundering what a stirup is well all it is, is something that helps you fight while you are on a hourse. So it just helps you stay up right and ride and fight other people. This was very important for knights.
Now most knights came from noble families. They sent the boys for along period of time to to train. This taught them how to fight. Also how to behave properly or behave like a knight would. That is the knighthood started.
What did knights do?

They were also kinda like the kings private army. He paid them to do his deeds. To also protect the people in the castle. these are some of the things that the knights did.
Wat were the wepons and armor that knights used?

Some of the things that the knights used for defence.they all had metal armor to block some of the blows they took but not all of them. Under that armor they had even more armor! They called this chain mail. It is a bunch of chain pu together to stop the blows. The last piece of armor they had was there shield. The shield was made up of either metal or wood. those were some of the weapons and armor the knights used.
What are two district groups, and what was there social class?
the other district group were the nobles . Now unlike the knights the nobles were more wealthy and higher up the social class at least compared to the knights. The nobles were more respected then the knights. those are the two district groups the knights and the nobles are those.
What did the knights in the military do?

Those such things were possessed by the military. Also by the nobles who were in the military. Which most nobles were a big part of the military. The other class that owned the weapons of knights were the owning class of all these things.Those are some of the things that the knights used to fight in the military.
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