Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Wat were the wepons and armor that knights used?

     The knights used a wide variety of weapons.one of the most common one ones that most people might know that they used are swords to fight with. Also they had daggers. Those are knifes that you fight with when you are in very close quarters with a enemy.

     Some  of the things that the knights used for defence.they all had metal armor to block some of the blows they took but not all of them. Under that armor they had even more armor! They called this chain mail. It is a bunch of chain pu together to stop the blows. The last piece of armor they had was there shield. The shield was made up of either metal or wood. those were some of the weapons and armor the knights used.


  1. I talked about armour anweapons alot. However you could have gone into detail and name unique weapon. But it was still good.

  2. Wow those seem like aome really cool weapons. I knew they had most of them maybe you could have said a really unknown one; that would have been interesting.
